The reason for this is to make money. Apparently people now manage to make a full time wage from just Blogging. That’s pretty cool.
People like John Cow, Randy Brown and Jim Karter make a whole lot of money from there Blogs and Websites.
John Cow has recently reported that he made more than $30,000 for the month of January from his Blog. WOW…
Obviously it takes a lot of time and effort to pull in that kind of money from Blogging, but how cool would it be to actually quit work and just Blog for a living. You can work wherever and whenever you wanted. One day im going to start doing this...
Well after reading up on some of these money making Blogs a lot of people say that you should start by aiming to make $1 a day from your websites.
This advise is really aimed for people who want to make money by setting up a number of Niche website (sites that once set up, require no additional work and can be left alone (assuming that they have a wealthy supply of constant traffic)). That way if you create 200 websites and are earning just $1 a day for each site at the end of the day, you are actually earning a nice little penny ($6,000 a month in fact. More than enough to live on)
Well I have some good news… iSmooch had its first $1 day yesterday. Google Adsense generated $1.07. (I earn money each time one of my visitors click on a Google sponsored Ad on my website)
Its not much but it’s a start. Can this be maintained… not sure. But iSmooch had more visits yesterday than any other day. 39 - which is pretty lame. But we all gotta start somewhere.
As mentioned I also run ads from This works differently in that they pay me £3 per month for each ad I display (maximum of 5 per website). So from them I should make £15 a month, approx $30. So therefore I am guaranteed my $1 a day target. Anything else from Google, Adbrite and Amazon is a bonus. (I haven't been using for long, so we will see what exactly they are about and if I get paid).
Now £15 a month isn't that much. John Cow, raked in $15,000 in January just from selling ad space on his website - Something only big popular websites can command. Maybe one day iSmooch can start charging that…. One day!
Apart from iSmooch I have recently set up to other sites. One is aimed at gaining revenue from Adsense and affiliates and the other is an EBay affiliate project.
Unlike iSmooch, which is hosted by Blogger, free of charge, I have had to pay for some web hosting for my other sites - $7.95 a month. I paid $49 for a cool plug-in for Wordpress that allows me to display EBay auctions on my website and I have just paid $80 to Google Adwords to market my new Niche site. My goal is to use SEO to gain traffic, but in the meantime I thought I'd try Adwords.
Seems like a lot of money for a noob like me, who has no experience what so ever, but I believe you need to spend money to make money.
If I continue this spending each month for a year, to recover my costs I need to make $3.07 a day, based on the following costs:
Web hosting: $7.95 a month
Google Adwords: $80 a month (only experimenting with this for a month so may not continue)
EBay Plug in: $49 one of payment. If I pay it of over 12 months it will cost $4.08 a month
Total month cost: $92.03
I am running 8 ads from, so I will earn approx $48 a month from them. Leaving just $44 a month left to make, or $1.47 a day (based on 30 days).
Obviously I want to be making a profit, so for now, I am aiming for an average of $4.47 a day. Which for the first month I doubt I will get close to earning. I need to SEO my bad boys up and draw in some traffic - which I am working on and may take some time.
As I have said I am completely new to this, and I feel like im jumping in with both feet, but we will see.
Wish me luck!!
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