Monday, 21 January 2008

Cheap HD-DVD player

Hi just quick post.

For those that know me, know that I am a bit of a movie and computer geek. I love playing on my Xbox and watching movies in HD.

For those in the UK, I have just seen that Amazon are now selling there cheapest HD player at £119.00 and this includes 7 FREE HD-DVD's.
For those who haven't upgraded there DVD collections because they are waiting to see the "HD war" end, this is a great reason to side with HD-DVD.

And for those with a vast collection of DVD's this player will upscale your collections superbly to near HD quality.

Ok, Ok, so Blu Ray may have won the exclusive Warner Brothers contract, but the War isn't over yet. HD-DVD is by far the cheapest option and many will argue that it is a lot better value for money. All players are future proof and are ready to be upgraded if required (via Firmware downloads), something that the early Blu- Ray players are not.

HD-DVD provide plenty of extra features that Blu-Ray are now playing catch up to i.e. PIP (picture in Picture).

With the cheapest Blu-Ray player costing twice as much, the HD-EP30 is a fantastic buy.

I have this player and cant praise it enough.

Even if Blu-Ray do win, it wont be for a while and by then Digital Disruption will be the norm. So getting this player is still a great investment.

Take the leap, you wont regret it ;)

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