Friday, 22 February 2008

Ask and You Shall Get

We've all seen them magic 8 balls where if you have a tricky question that needs answering you can just ask the little black ball and it will give you its honest answer.

Well, just like the Rubik cube and lava light the eight ball is so 1980. So what do we do now with a difficult question?

Simple, ask the Internet. I found out today that it will not lie and gives you an honest answer.

The question I haven been asking myself of late is "am i awesome". So i typed this into my FireFox web browser and a website come up confirming what I already know. Check it out yourself (or click right here)

Cool ah?

Now for the record, I'm not that sad and i don't really ask myself that question. I was just trying to find a decent domain name I could use for a new Blog. But guess what... all the good ones are already taken.

What the hell is gonna happen is 10 years time when someone wants to set up a website. All that will be left will be really long and crap. "hi check out my new website, called" (quick better snap that one up, its still available).

Oh, FYI - If you have got any questions about anything just "Google it" first. Its so annoying when people don't look themselves before asking a simple question!! - Rant Over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear that people don't know how to search for things. They would much rather have someone find it for them. Love that Awesome link.