Wednesday, 27 February 2008


So, as is common knowledge at the moment, Blu Ray have appeared to have won the war. Toshiba announced last week that they were no longer making anymore players and Microsoft officially announced that they would no longer make thier add-on for the 360.

Its good news that after 2 years that the format war is finally come to an end. Its a shame that the better product for consumers didn't win though. HD-DVD was certainly imo better than Blu Ray, having more features and better picture (according to many reviews) , the greater sound and best of all the better price

With Blu Ray having to play catch up on most features that the HD-DVD player provided (PIP, firmware upgrades etc), lets hope that the price will now follow, as Blu Ray seem to be pricing themselves out the market. With HD-DVD players now as cheap as DVD players (Xbox add-on only $50 in the states), it seems that HD-DVD will end this war with a large, but worthless final battle.

Does all this matter? imho NO. Blu Ray will never over take DVD's, just like minidiscs never had a touch on CD sales. This whole Format battle was a waste of time.

With Upscalers out there now, capable of upscaling to near high def visuals, I cant see many people ditching there DVD's for expensive Blu Ray discs.

Further more, the future of Video will follow the direct path of Music, I have no doubt about that. Downloading will become more and more popular and accessible and with many streaming devices now available, the future is surely Digital Distribution.

Microsoft and Apple have jumped on to the downloading band wagon and offer hours of HD content through the 360 and Apple TV.

Both act as streaming devices too, so you can even watch all your divx collection in front of the TV, as you can with the PS3, ipod touch , Pinnacle devices and loads more of equipment out there.

Digital Distribution is the future, and all the big names have set themselves up for this. Blu Ray is just a mear stepping stone.


Yep, that's right. I have just seen an article that I wrote get published on Ezine Articles.

Ezine articles is a pretty cool website, where you can find articles about anything and everything. Articles are submitted by common folk and if good enough, will get approved and published online.

You can see my article here it is a copy of one of my previous posts - this one

Whats the point in submitting an article if its on my blog? Well it should help bring in more traffic to my website. My article will appear on Ezine's high traffic homepage, RSS feed and Email alerts.

So if you have a blog or a website you wish to promote, using Ezlines is a great way. If you submit an article then ensure that you put a link to your website at the bottom. This will also give you a free link to your page, which will come in handy with SEO.

As an "Expert Author" I can now have one of these labels on my website:

As Featured On Ezine Articles

It feels like I'm in some kind of exclusive club, but I'm sure they agree to hundreds of articles... but still. This is my moment of glory!!

Monday, 25 February 2008

Worlds Most Annoying Website

Seriously this is Uber annoying. But funny at the same time. Check it out; Funny but annoying

That's all i have to say on that, so this is a pretty short post.

But while i am here, i also wanna share this video that I found on Youtube that had me in stitches.

The video is put together by a girl called "Paperlilles", one would assume that that is an Alias, but you can never be to sure these days, with names like Apple and Romeo doing the rounds.

While you are watching that you might as well check out some of her other videos, some are pretty good... others aren't so.

Friday, 22 February 2008

Ask and You Shall Get

We've all seen them magic 8 balls where if you have a tricky question that needs answering you can just ask the little black ball and it will give you its honest answer.

Well, just like the Rubik cube and lava light the eight ball is so 1980. So what do we do now with a difficult question?

Simple, ask the Internet. I found out today that it will not lie and gives you an honest answer.

The question I haven been asking myself of late is "am i awesome". So i typed this into my FireFox web browser and a website come up confirming what I already know. Check it out yourself (or click right here)

Cool ah?

Now for the record, I'm not that sad and i don't really ask myself that question. I was just trying to find a decent domain name I could use for a new Blog. But guess what... all the good ones are already taken.

What the hell is gonna happen is 10 years time when someone wants to set up a website. All that will be left will be really long and crap. "hi check out my new website, called" (quick better snap that one up, its still available).

Oh, FYI - If you have got any questions about anything just "Google it" first. Its so annoying when people don't look themselves before asking a simple question!! - Rant Over.

One Dollar a Day

This Blog has now been running for a little over a month now and as you can tell I have added a handful of Google Adsense ads, Adbrite ads, ads from and Amazon Ads too.

The reason for this is to make money. Apparently people now manage to make a full time wage from just Blogging. That’s pretty cool.

People like John Cow, Randy Brown and Jim Karter make a whole lot of money from there Blogs and Websites.

John Cow has recently reported that he made more than $30,000 for the month of January from his Blog. WOW…

Obviously it takes a lot of time and effort to pull in that kind of money from Blogging, but how cool would it be to actually quit work and just Blog for a living. You can work wherever and whenever you wanted. One day im going to start doing this...

Well after reading up on some of these money making Blogs a lot of people say that you should start by aiming to make $1 a day from your websites.

This advise is really aimed for people who want to make money by setting up a number of Niche website (sites that once set up, require no additional work and can be left alone (assuming that they have a wealthy supply of constant traffic)). That way if you create 200 websites and are earning just $1 a day for each site at the end of the day, you are actually earning a nice little penny ($6,000 a month in fact. More than enough to live on)

Well I have some good news… iSmooch had its first $1 day yesterday. Google Adsense generated $1.07. (I earn money each time one of my visitors click on a Google sponsored Ad on my website)

Its not much but it’s a start. Can this be maintained… not sure. But iSmooch had more visits yesterday than any other day. 39 - which is pretty lame. But we all gotta start somewhere.

As mentioned I also run ads from This works differently in that they pay me £3 per month for each ad I display (maximum of 5 per website). So from them I should make £15 a month, approx $30. So therefore I am guaranteed my $1 a day target. Anything else from Google, Adbrite and Amazon is a bonus. (I haven't been using for long, so we will see what exactly they are about and if I get paid).

Now £15 a month isn't that much. John Cow, raked in $15,000 in January just from selling ad space on his website - Something only big popular websites can command. Maybe one day iSmooch can start charging that…. One day!

Apart from iSmooch I have recently set up to other sites. One is aimed at gaining revenue from Adsense and affiliates and the other is an EBay affiliate project.

Unlike iSmooch, which is hosted by Blogger, free of charge, I have had to pay for some web hosting for my other sites - $7.95 a month. I paid $49 for a cool plug-in for Wordpress that allows me to display EBay auctions on my website and I have just paid $80 to Google Adwords to market my new Niche site. My goal is to use SEO to gain traffic, but in the meantime I thought I'd try Adwords.

Seems like a lot of money for a noob like me, who has no experience what so ever, but I believe you need to spend money to make money.

If I continue this spending each month for a year, to recover my costs I need to make $3.07 a day, based on the following costs:

Web hosting: $7.95 a month
Google Adwords: $80 a month (only experimenting with this for a month so may not continue)
EBay Plug in: $49 one of payment. If I pay it of over 12 months it will cost $4.08 a month

Total month cost: $92.03

I am running 8 ads from, so I will earn approx $48 a month from them. Leaving just $44 a month left to make, or $1.47 a day (based on 30 days).

Obviously I want to be making a profit, so for now, I am aiming for an average of $4.47 a day. Which for the first month I doubt I will get close to earning. I need to SEO my bad boys up and draw in some traffic - which I am working on and may take some time.

As I have said I am completely new to this, and I feel like im jumping in with both feet, but we will see.

Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Face off: WitW vs Departed

A couple weeks ago I showed you how cool it would be if your favourite film was taken and re-worked into a horror.

Well if you search the net you will see plenty of these videos are floating about, but to be honest, the Teen Wolf and Mary Poppins ones were the best.

Well as I was searching through Youtube I found a great cross over trailer. Departed, perhaps one of the greatest gangster movies in the last few years, takes on the guys from the great childs tale, Wind in the Willows.

This is some funny stuff and well worth a watch. Check it out:

Im sure this will make you LOL and maybe even ROFL

Friday, 15 February 2008

Top Blogging Tips

After having my Blog for 3 whole weeks now, here are a few top blogging tips to anyone wishing to start up their own Blog:

  • Use Wordpress.

Although Blogger is probably easier to use, Wordpress is where its at. The designs look better and Wordpress allows you more freedom. At some point in the future I will be changing to Wordpress, but at the moment im happy with what Blogger provides.

  • Install Sitemeter to track your visitors.

Other people tend to recommend Statcounter but I find that its easier to read all the information that Sitemeter provides. I currently have both installed on this site but Sitemeter is my preferred tool.

  • Try picking a particular thing to Blog about.

When I started this Blog I didn't have a clue what it was going to be about. And to be honest, I still don't know. After tracking my visitors with Sitemeter it appears that this isn't a good thing to do. It doesn't appear that many people read all my posts once they are on my site.

I have two particular entries that rank high on Google Search for particular Key Words (which is great). But once my visitors read these posts they don't tend to stick around or come back. This is probably due to the mixture of content I have on this site.

However if someone stumbled across a Blog about making money and that's the subject they are interested in, then they will continue to read that Blog.

So... any idea's what I should start Blogging about? anyone actually reading this?

  • Be patient if you don't build up a big fan base straight away.

These things take time! How long? I don't know... longer than 3 weeks by the looks of it.

Just Keep on Blogging!!

  • Write interesting articles, not sh*t like this.

My write ups on Sopcast and Tversity seem to attract loads of traffic to my site. Its just a shame I don't have anything else interesting to share.

  • Write some comments on fellow Bloggers Blogs.

It's a great way to get your name around the Blogging community. Read this articles to see what im talking about - Caroline Middlebrook - also, while your there check out her free eBook as it will help if you plan to create a Wordpress site/Blog.

  • If you are going to use Blogger/Blogspot to set up a Blog, then check out this website for some awesome ways to add stuff and change things.

Errr... I think that's all I have for now. If I have anymore helpful hints to Blogging I will let you know.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

3 Weeks and 1 Day Later

Its now been over 3 weeks since starting this Blog of mine and personally, I think it looks ok.

Considering this is my first ever attempt at anything Webby and I had no experience with HTML im pretty pleased with how it looks.

Obviously Blogger make it very easy to create a Blog and all you have to do is choose which theme and what colours you want and hey presto you have your own Blog. Very simple.

However I have applied some personal touches to this site that weren't as easy (but was still pretty easy). I have added a Favicon to my site (the little icon next to the URL in your Browser - seems to only appear with Firefox and not when I use crappy Internet Explorer - Therefore if you use IE download Firefox now). A good reason to have a Favicon is to make your site stand out more and make it easy to identify. So if you add this site to your FAVourites the "i" ICON will appear and it will make it easier for people to find my site in there Favourites list.

I have also incorporated Google Adsense into my site, which is pretty simple with Blogger as they provide a simple Adsense Widget you can add to your sidebar. Google will scan your site and advertise appreciate content. If you are looking at making some extra cash from your website or Blog there are plenty of Ad companies to choose from, but Google allow you to customise your adds and blend them into your site more easily.

The theme I originally chose only had 2 columns - a side bar on the left and the main body. As you can see I have added a third column on the right. Allowing me to add more Widgets that are easier to see.

One of the most difficult and annoying things I added was the "Continue Reading…" link which appears on the front page. I only wanted for some of my posts to show on the front page and for users to click "Continue Reading..." if they wanted to read the rest of the entry. This was pretty simple to add but started to get really annoying when I tried to change the size and colour of the link. It can also become pretty fiddly each time I write a post as I need to set where I want the break of point to be. However I am now getting the hang of this.

So does anyone actually read what I write? Well after 22 days I have had 400 visits to my Blog. Not bad really. However, there are some Blogs out there that get 40,000 hits a day. Maybe one day I will have that many… then again… maybe not!

So if anyone does read this, thanks very much. I appreciate it.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

5 Reason to Own an Xbox 360

To be honest there are plenty of reasons to buy an Xbox and there are plenty of Web sites telling you why you should by an Xbox. But here are my reasons as to why you should own an Xbox 360.

Firstly, High Definition. Most people now own a Plasma or an LCD, with most people choosing these TV's as a fashion statement - They look better than old school CRT TV's. So if you have a nice HD ready TV, throwing an Xbox into the mix is a great way to start getting the most out of your TV. Not only are there hundreds of games to choose from, all made for HD TV's, but through the live marketplace you can purchase a great variety of HD films and TV shows.

Secondly, probably the biggest use I get from my Xbox is not from playing games, but from streaming my divx files from my laptop to my Xbox so I can watch the latest Lost on the big screen. You can find a guide on how that is done here

thirdly, Xbox Live! This great service allows you to go head to head against anyone in the world on your favourite games. Live also enables you to chat with your friends over your head sets or through instant messenger. Live also enables you to download additional content for your games- more maps, weapons, levels etc

Yes, it does cost a small fee, and yes Sony do offer a free service, but Xbox Live truly is worth the 12p a day fee.

Fourthly, Exclusives! Every console has its own exclusives and the 360 isn't any different. But while the PS3 have... errr... nothing worth noting at the moment, the 360 have great exclusive titles, including, Gear of War, Halo 3, Bioshock. It will also have exclusive content for the up and coming GTA IV game.

And Fively (is that even a word?)... why should you own an Xbox 360? Here's why:

P.S If your having troubles with your Xbox 360 take a look at this. Easy way to fix the Red Ring of Death Click Here!

Friday, 8 February 2008

The Perfect Valentines Gift

With Valentines day less than a week away its time that we start thinking about what we can get our loved ones to show them how much we adore them and love them.

Choosing a gift for that special someone can become tricky. It depends on a number of factors including; the length of the relationship, what typed of person they are and where you think the relationship may be going.

I mean you don't want to send them 12 roses, buy her chocolate and Jewellery if you have only known them for a week. That could be slightly overkill, and on the other hand, you don't want to just get them a card if you have been "courting" for a couple of years.

What the best way to show your girl you love her... Tap dance.

Check out this video below for Vodafone. If your partner is as miserable as this girl, then it could be the only thing to make her smile ;-)

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Why Firefox is Better

Yes that’s right, im going to go there!! The good old Firefox vs Internet Explorer war.

As I have mentioned before I have installed Sitemap on my Blog and this tracks my visitors. It tells me where they live, what they look at on my Blog and many other things, including which Web Browser they use.

Currently 46% of my visitors use Firefox with 52% using IE. Personally I use Firefox and im sure that anyone that has tried Firefox for a day will stick with it. The advantage IE has is that it comes pre-installed on your commuter. This leads me to think that anyone that uses IE only do so because they are unaware they have a choice and that alternatives exist. They use it because it is there. Which is a shame, because the alternative, Firefox, is such a better Web Browser to use. And here's why:

- Its safer to use that Internet Explorer. Tests have shown that IE is more open to Virus and Trojans.

- Its faster. Faster Browsing and loading.

-Its a lot more easier to use. Everything seem to be where you want them to be.

-Better Bookmark managing. This allows you to easily keep all your favourite websites nicely managed

-Firefox Add-ons. There are plenty of Add-ons that allow your to customize your browser

-Integrated Pop up blocker. No need for third party applications with Firefox

-Restore Session. Firefox remembers what you was looking at if your computer is suddenly restarted.

This is just a short list on why Firefox is better to use. Download it for yourself to experiance the greatest Web Browser there is.

So, if you are using Internet Explorer and haven't tried Firefox give it ago. You can download it using the button on the top right corner of my Blog and its completely free. If you use it for just one day, im very confident that you will continue to use it forever.

While your up there, be sure to take advantage of Google Packs. Free essential software for your PC provided by Google.

Monday, 4 February 2008

Google takes on the World

I'm pretty confident to assume that everyone who uses the Web has heard of Google. 'That place you go and search for something', and that’s what most people probably think all Google is, a search engine.

However, there a loads and loads of other things that Google can offer Web users, and it seems that they are slowly moving into every kind of medium the web has to offer.

To benefit from all the things that Google have to offer, you should set up a free Google account. This will enable you to sign in to all of their services with the same log in.

You can start with Gmail, Googles own, free web based e-mail system. I switched to this from my Hotmail account last year and find it fantastic to use. Its easy to manage and you are able to customize different aspects of your lay out.

They provide an application that you can download to your mobile phone so you are able to read, receive and send e-mails from anywhere using your mobile phone to access your Gmail account. Gmail can also be sync'd with Outlook or Thunderbird to enable you to manage your e-mails using these tools instead of having to go online to receive your mails. This is something that Hotmail stopped a few years ago for anyone who had a free account.

If you have contacts in your address book that also have a Gmail account you are able to see when these users are online by logging into your Gmail account and you can also use Googles own IM to chat with your friends. This requires no additional downloading and is run from you Gmail page.

Another great feature with Google is iGoogle, this enables users to complety customise there search page. Instead of just seeing the standard Google search field you are able to add what ever you want to your iGoogle page. I previously used as my home page, as often enough, when I went online I would use Google to find what I was looking for.

I have now changed my home page to iGoogle. This still contains that trusted search field, but I can also now view snippets of all my favourite websites. I can see my Gmail inbox without having to log on to Google mail, I can see the weather for my area, daily horoscopes, top You Tube videos... the list is endless. Its very simple to use, just click on the "add stuff" button and add what ever you want to appear on your iGoogle page. You can add a calculator, a to do list, post its or as mentioned the latest news from your favourite websites. See below for an example of my iGoogle page:

The great thing is though, you are not restricted to just one page. You can simple add another tab to show you more stuff. For example, I have created a Sports tab so I can see the latest sports news from loads of different websites without having to actually go to all the different websites:

To get the most out of your PC I highly recommended downloading Google Pack for FREE. This includes several bits of software that you can use to maximise the efficiency of your PC. You are able to pick and choose what software you want, you can choose from Norton, Skype, Picasa, Adobe Reader and many more cool applications that are supported by Google. Just click on the link on the left hand side to obtain all your free Google supported software.

If you have your own website or Blog you can use Google Adsense to help you make some extra cash. As you can see on my Blog I have some ads scattered around. These are provided to me my Google. They are completely customizable to fit in with you website, as you are able to choose which colour you want, the size and how many you want to display. By adding these to your site, you earn money by people clicking on the ads. It’s a great little feature, and if you have plenty of Traffic passing through your website you could earn a nice little sum.

In fact Google provides loads of different tools to help set up your own website. You can use Google Page Creator to create your own website. Page Creator also enables you to upload picture files to the internet to provide you with a URL for your picture.

If you want help with improving Traffic to your website check out Google Webmaster. This site has several different tools that will help with developing your website and also getting it out there in the Google search results.

Finally, another great Google tool I have been converted to using is Google maps. Previously I may have used the AA or Multimap to find directions or look for a certain place on a map. But now I only use Google maps. When providing directions, they seem to be a lot easier to use and read and make more sense when you are driving. You can view a normal map view, satellite or Terrain view. As you can see, I have Google maps on my iGoogle page.

Google really have lifted the bar and seem to be taking over the web. I have only mentioned a handful of products that Google provide, but there really are loads of them, from Google Checkout to Google Earth, Google Video to Google Accelerator.

Sign up for your Google account today and start taking advantage of all the amazing things they have to offer.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

At War With 3 Hot Girls

That's right, it looks as if I'm at war with 3 young ladies from London called "Smooch". What am i talking about? The number one spot on Google. At the moment if you search for 'iSmooch', this website is only at number 2.

I doubt anyone would even search for iSmooch anyway, but I'd still like to be top dog. At the moment its the Myspace page for a girl band called "smooch".

There are a number of ways to boost your Google ratings, and here's how;

1) Submit your website to Google, its free and simple. Just submit your URL to Google using there submission form and Google well then send there Googlebot out and check out your site. If you don't sumbit a form, they will eventually find your website, but its quicker to point them in the right direction.

2) Submit to other search engines and directories. Get your website out there and let people see what you have to offer.

3) Write clearly and properly, and try and write often.

4) Key word density - If your writing about celebrity fashion, make sure the readers know what you are writing about. Make it clear in your titles what you are writing about and throw in some key words in your post. This will help Google identify what your page is about.

5) Incoming links. These are links to your website from some one else's website. It helps that they use your keywords or phrases when they link to your website. So if some one wishes to put an iSmooch link on there website, it would help me if they used 'iSmooch' as the link word. It would also help if they were a website that had a high page rank with Google.

There are loads of other ways to increase your ranking, just Google 'SEO' (search engine optimisation), and you will find loads of website giving good advice.

SEO, is a very important thing to focus on when creating a website. Obviously you want a lot of traffic passing through your website and the number one way for people finding information on the net is by "Googling it".

So far, most of my traffic comes from Google results. Sitemeter shows me how my visitors get to my website and often enough it is by people searching for something in Google and my page being high in the results. For example, if you Googled "tversity and sopcast" my article on this topic appears on the first page.

Hope this helped.